Friday, May 7, 2010

Book Kits: Guided Reading Sets

Cataloging has begun for the Guided Reading Sets, or book kits, purchased for the Columbus Center IRC Collection! The collection currently houses 25 titles, one for each individual level.

What are book kits?
Book kits are a collection of titles selected for use with guided reading. Each kit, housed in a yellow folder complete with book covers for easy browsing, consists of six paperback copies and information pertaining to recommended reading levels.

Find Columbus Center Book Kits in the Catalog
Part of the Columbus Center IRC circulating collection, book kit call numbers are an "other call number" classification of col bookkit and cataloged by accession; the newest title has the highest number.

Book Kits will be a "catalog shortcut" link on the side bar of the AU Columbus IRC News Blog and included within LibGuides created for library instruction and course support.

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